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Listed below are sites we think are interesting. If you would like your site listed please e-mail us with your web address and brief description of what it is about. We are especially interested in your site if you are a local craftsman producing your own , Hand Thrown Pots, Wooden Planters, Wicker Baskets and Willow Garden Products (conicals, hurdles etc). Well established coarse fishing lakes 15 minutes drive from the centre of Cardiff. Tackle hire/sale; hot and cold drinks and snacks. The one stop internet gardening site for all your needs including Shopping, Information, Forum, Gallery & much more. Formal Edwardian gardens designed by Thomas Mawson situated within a mile of the nursery. Useful horticultural resource site. Informative site linking to interesting and historical gardens to discover. Ideas for gardens to visit within the UK. Museum of Welsh Life at St. Fagans have within their grounds, incredible gardens to explore. Hamptons offers a comprehensive range of services to help create and maintain your ideal garden including design, landscape, garden management and practical advice. On-line advertising for all business’ in Cardiff and surrounding area .